Today, i receive a text... here it is.
Regardless of how much you prepare yourself. Losing someone regardless of whether she is a relative or not, its so hard to prepare for it. I would be a hypocrite if i said that I know Gerds is in good hands so its ok. No i feel bad... and i feel hurt... Part of me want to tell the Lord "Why?!? we need more people like her... Why did you allow her to suffer this way! She was one of my faithful sheeps..."
But then i cannot do anything but trust... I guess you've fulfilled your mission Gerds and now God is telling you to go home. Another reason for me to look forward to that day when i meet my savior. I can only exclaim that I am excited!!! Imagine no more sadness... no more pain... no more suffering and no more tears....
If this is truly it Gerds, Thank you Gerds for everything. Though you may not read this or maybe you can... (only God can tell), you will always be in our hearts as an Imagine Nation. I look forward to shooting with you again, this time we'll shoot angels.